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Wood carving artwork

Wood carving is an art form that has been practiced for millennia. Sculptors, carvers and luthiers with a passion for wood — and the unique properties of the material itself — are able to create intricate items and works of art that they’re proud to display in their homes or galleries. Wood carving can be a great way to express your creativity and build up a portfolio of your skill set in the process.

Wood is a versatile material that has served humanity for thousands of years. From boats, houses, and musical instruments, wood has many purposes and wood carving is a fascinating art form that one should definitely try out.

With the right tools and techniques, you can carve practically any object out of wood even on your guitar.

Wood carving on electric guitars

Wood is the traditional way of making instruments that come with a rich history. Perhaps you have seen woodwork on old furniture and wood carvings in churches, but have you ever considered wood sculpting on your guitar? There are many ways to create cool artwork on your instrument. Some like pyrography, while others would go for a more extreme woodwork, which is wood carving. 


See Pyrography

If you’ve got a passion for woodworks, building a guitar is a fun way to channel it into something beautiful and useful. Combine that with a touch of art, wood carving can be a fantastic hobby for anyone interested in creating a unique kit guitar. What you get is an extremely versatile art form — it can be used for playing jam sessions with your friends, or just a beautiful art piece on your wall.

Guitarists know the importance of artistry when it comes to their instruments. The cool, timeless image of a guitar on display in a person’s house or office is an essential part of the design of the room. It's like having an expensive watch- You have a functional work of art, a sculpture that has a purpose, one that you would proudly hang on your wall.

Wood carved kit guitar by Marie McDonough

Wood carved kit guitar by Nikolas Rocha

Now go ahead shop for some luthier/carving tools. Don't forget to research and learn more about woodworks. You'll be surprised how building a guitar could become a walk in the park once you have mastered working on wood. Have a fun DIY journey!

Meet the author

Paul, a passionate guitar lover, motorcycle rider and the Builder Success Manager at Guitar Kit World, blends his in-depth technical expertise with his love for music to craft personalized solutions for builders...

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