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The Best DIY Guitar Kit Communities Online

Hello Folks! Needing help with your DIY Guitar project? Do you feel the need to reach out to people who share the same passion for Kit Guitars? Then we have gathered all the Social Media groups/Influencers that you might want to follow and join. 

Here are The Best DIY Guitar Kit Communities Online!

Whether you are a newbie, or an expert luthier, joining guitar communities would definitely help you out in situations where you need to hear opinion from other guitar geeks. These groups will help you solve problems and give you quick answers to your questions because these are real people, with real experiences that might be similar to you.

Why Join Guitar Kit Communities?

Wouldn't it be beautiful to have everyone who love guitars in one room and talk about guitars all day? Grab a beer coz it's going to be a long conversation!

We will be covering the most commonly used social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Reddit. Whether you are joining to get some advice, or just to showcase that beautiful axe you've been working on in your garage. You deserve to be in these groups and the masterpiece you have built deserve the world's applause. 

Guitars and stuff

Guitars and stuff is a jam packed page with over 32,000 guitarheads on facebook gathered as one! You can share videos of you playing the guitar or flaunt the axe that you so brutally shred on. 

Link: guitars and stuff | Facebook

Kit Guitar Builders

If you feel left out with guitar kit building, catch up and see awesome builds in Kit Guitar Builders group. You will be surprised how talented ordinary people can be when it comes to building guitars. Passion and hard work really pays off and it shows on their masterpiece guitars. With over 25,000 members, you will surely enjoy being a part of this great DIY guitar community. 

Link: Kit Guitar Builders | Facebook

New Kit Guitar Builders

New to DIY guitars? You're not alone! and will never be. Join New Kit Guitar Builders group and meet over 22,000 awesome people who will try to help you and share their ideas on building Kit guitars. 

Link: New Kit Guitar Builders | Facebook

Guitar Builders Community

Beginner or advance, all builders are welcome here. Show us your axe and we show ours! This page is a great crowd with almost 29,000 awesome people who are pleased to see anything related to guitar building.

Link:  Guitar Builders Community | Facebook

D.I.Y.Guitar Builder

From the name itself, this is home! We know what to find in this group. Some great people who share the same passion for building DIY guitars. Friendly admins are on stand by to accept new comers. What are you waiting for? Join now! and be part of this group with over 24,000 members. 

Link:  D.I.Y.Guitar Builder| Facebook

DIY Guitar & Luthier

Yup! another one of those "feels like home" moments. If you are not yet a member, go on hit join already and be part of this amazing community with over 32,000 guitar builders. Not to mention, they got really good and experienced luthiers waiting to answer questions.

 Link: DIY Guitar & Luthier| Facebook


When the building gets tough, the builder gets tougher. Don't stress out too much. Building DIY guitars is supposed to be fun! Here's a great page with almost 100k followers that you could indulge in for some good laugh. 



Here's a great page with anything about guitars. Guitars guitars guitars! Strings flying and vibrating everywhere! With 204k followers sharing videos about guitars, you will never get bored! 



Another great IG that's all about guitars. 570k guitarheads following this, you'll understand why after you're part of the 570k. From awesome guitars to awesome guitar players, they're all here! 



When they said "The World's Largest Guitar Page" they weren't kidding. with close to a million followers on IG, this is probably the most packed social media group of guitar lovers in IG. Expect to see everything about guitars on this page. 



Just when you thought you saw the biggest guitar crowd, wait till you join R/Guitar with a whopping 1.5M followers. There's even a specific subreddit for Guitar Kit questions. Building kits will never be hard ever again with all these social media groups full of guitar lovers and builders.

Link: [QUESTION] DIY guitar kits : Guitar (

 Did you know that there are different kinds of Mahogany? Find out which one is used in your guitar by reading this blog post - Different varieties of Mahogany, Which one is the best?

Meet the author

Paul, a passionate guitar lover, motorcycle rider and the Builder Success Manager at Guitar Kit World, blends his in-depth technical expertise with his love for music to craft personalized solutions for builders...

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